The Birth Portal

Wise women soul support to journey alongside you in your birth space, as your birth doula.

Dear Sister,

If you are wanting wise women soul support present at your birth, I am calling in supporting physiological, undisturbed home births in the Waihi or surrounding areas.

I trust in birth, I trust in women’s bodies, I trust our babies. I trust in you mama!

We know how to birth. Women were designed to birth. It is our biological birth rite to birth the way we want to. And now more than ever, it is so important that we reclaim our power in the birth space.

It is my intention to hold space for you and your other chosen birth partners that’s warm, safe, at home and full of love. My role is not to save you, not to tell you what to do. It is not to actually feel the need to ‘do’ anything. Rather it is to be loving presence. A sister who can look you in the eyes when you need it most and tell you, you can do it. Someone who can tap into the intuitive messages and move with grace in that. And to welcome your baby earthside with so much love in the room. I do love ceremony and ritual, so if anything in those realms calls to you, I can certainly hold space in other ways if you would like!

I am new to attending births, so to honour that it is a new space for me, I’m happy to chat with you on a beautiful exchange that feels good for both. For me part of the exchange is being invited to be at your birth, what an honour! It is a gift for me to witness and gain that experience.

If you feel the call to reach out, please do. I’d love to connect and see what happens from there :)

This is for you if:

You are ready to birth in your power.

You’re a birthing mama wanting soul support for your home birth or freebirth.

Healing earth begins with healing birth


Let’s reclaim our rite of passage as one that’s sacred


Let's birth in our power


Healing earth begins with healing birth 〰️ Let’s reclaim our rite of passage as one that’s sacred 〰️ Let's birth in our power 〰️

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